Monday, 28 November 2011

assignment1 work progress 11/28/2011

So for today, i did a lot of tweaking to the material and added a lot of noise to the texture to give it more scratches and uneveness to the texture.In addition, I applied a ramp parameter to the noise to give it a more gold-like colour to the texture. Moreover, I moved the displacement map to the right placement on the gold bar.

Monday, 21 November 2011

assignment 1 work progress

Basically for this assignment, I have decided to make a gold bar. So far I have modelled the bar and added color, fresnel and specularity to it. In addition, I have  made a secondary surface shader and added the displacement of gold bar to it. I have yet to merge the two surface shaders. Attached are screenshots of my work progress.

Monday, 14 November 2011

My choice of Object: Gold Bar

  • -colour-gold
  • -metallic
  • -shiny
  • -specular
  • -reflective
  • -shadow
  • -glossy